Episode 99.5: M4ILB4G — Retro Spectives Podcast

Episode 99.5: M4ILB4G

When we started this podcast nearly 4 years ago, we did so with a clear goal in mind.  We wanted to play, review and critique games of the past from a perspective free of nostalgia.  As the gaming industry grew, games changed, for both better and worse - and it is worthwhile to examine all those creaky and dust covered titles to see what has been forgotten. 

Sometimes mechanics truly are outdated, sometimes modern games have done it better - but not always.  And discovering when an old game offers something unique because of what they supposedly lack has been an incredible experience.

Over these 4 years we have slowly gathered a community of listeners that has similar feelings, or can at least appreciate this perspective.  We are forever grateful for you listening to our show, for sending us tweets and for conversing on our discord server.  The least we can do is give back to you with an opportunity to ask questions of us once a year, not just about old games but about anything.

So welcome one and all to our reprisal of the Mailbag episode, with M4ILB4G.  Grab a beverage and settle in as we answer our discord listener’s burning questions.  And while you’re at it, make sure to drop by and join our discord server if you haven’t already.  There’s no Retro Spectives without you, and we appreciate you all deeply.

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On this episode, we discuss:

  • Remakes and remasters.
    Are they an exciting way to re-experience classics of the past?  Do they provide a way for new players to get into old games they wouldn’t have otherwise?  Or are they soulless cash grabs, stifling creativity and pushing the original games out of the spotlight?

  • Reliving games for the first time.
    If we had the opportunity to play any game or series blind again, which one would it be?  What kind of experience is best suited to experiencing something fresh for the first time?

  • Making a game of our own.
    If we could develop or write our own video game, what would we do and how would we do it?  Are there any lessons you’ve learned from doing the pod that you would be eager to integrate into the game?

We answer these questions and many, many more on the 99.5th episode of the Retro Spectives Podcast!

KieLoBot - Tanzen K

Outro Music: Rockit Maxx - One point to another

Medivo from Jazz Jackrabbit

River of Despair from The Binding of Isaac:
Jonathan Evans, Matthias Nicol Bossi, Ridiculon